Chicago Police Lieutenants Association





Article I — Name
Article II — Purpose
Article IIII — Membership
Article IV — Dues & Assessments
Article V — Elections
Article VI — Duties of Officers
Article VII — Board of Directors
Article VIII — Impeachment
Article IX — Resignation, Incapacitation, Expulsion, Restoration
Article X — Meetings (Amendment)
Article XI — Committees
Article XII — Quorums
Article XIII — Order of Business
Article XIV — Amendments to the By-Laws
Article XV — Retirement Stars
Article XVI — Construction
Article XVII — Ratification

Article XVIII— Amendments



The name of this organization shall be the CHICAGO POLICE LIEUTENANTS’ ASSOCIATION — POLICE BENEVOLENT & PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS UNIT 156B — CHICAGO LIEUTENANTS, hereinafter referred to as Lieutenants’ Association.



The purpose and objectives of the Chicago Police Lieutenant’s Association shall be the promotion of a fraternal bond for the common welfare of its members; the encouragement and improvement of social relationships between its members; the exchange of information relating to the problems of law enforcement; the furtherance of efficiency and discipline in their relation to the practice of administrative functions; provide for collective bargaining and legal defense benefits for its members; the improvement of public relations; and the support of all measures for the protection and benefit of the public good. Provided, that the stated purposes and objectives do not conflict with any ordinance of the City of Chicago, any state or Federal law, statue or regulation, or any rule, order or regulation of the Chicago Police Department. The Lieutenant’s Association is affiliated with the Police Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois (P.B. & P.A.) for fraternal, legal defense and collective bargaining purposes.



Membership in the Lieutenant’s Association shall consist of five distinct classifications: A-Active; B-Exempt or on a Leave of Absence; C-Retired and Duty Disability; D-Fair Share and E-Fraternal.

  1. ACTIVE: an active member shall be a full dues paying member of the Lieutenants’ Association, holding the Career Service rank of Lieutenant of Police. An Active Member shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of the Lieutenants’ Association, participate in collective bargaining and legal defense plans, vote on all business meeting matters, make motions, until such time as the member is no longer eligible for membership in the organization, or becomes either a Class B member (Exempt or on a Leave of Absence); a Class C member (Retired or Duty Disability).Those Lieutenant’s who hold Confidential and Managerial positions within the department are prohibited from participating in matters related to collective bargaining agreement or run for elected office. Confidential and Managerial positions shall be those positions identified by the State and Local Labor Relations board as it pertains to the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association.
  2. EXEMPT or on LEAVE OF ABSENCE: any full dues paying Lieutenants’ Association member in an Exempt position or on Leave of Absence is entitled to fraternal benefits and legal defense benefits and to attend any social function and regular meeting at which this member may be permitted to speak. Such member shall not enjoy any other rights of an active member nor be allowed to hold any elected office. Any active member that fails to maintain Class B membership during the period they are in an exempt position or on a Leave of Absence shall not be entitled to legal defense benefits for events occurring during the period they are in a non paying status. Back paying of dues to satisfy this requirement will not be allowed.
  3. RETIRED and DUTY DISABILITY: a retired member is one who has been active in good standing and retired voluntarily or as required by law. A retired member may attend any social functions and regular meetings at which the member may be permitted to speak. A retired member shall not enjoy any of the rights or benefits of an Active member. For Lieutenants’ Association purposes, any member who is on duty disability will be classified as a retired member.
  4. FAIR SHARE: a Lieutenant that has not provided written authorization for the deduction from wages the dues and/or financial obligation as agreed to in the current labor contract in accordance with applicable law. A Fair Share member’s sole benefits will be those contractual benefits that apply to any employee at the rank of Lieutenant. A Fair Share member may pay the fair share amount in a lump sum, if so desired.
  5. FRATERNAL MEMBERS: a sworn member above the rank of Lieutenant who is allowed to attend Lieutenants’ Association social functions. The President shall be the sole person who authorizes fraternal membership.



Section 1: Annual dues for all members shall be established by the elected officers of the Lieutenants’ Association. Any increase in dues must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2- Annual dues for Active members and Exempt or on Leave of Absence members shall be set by the Board of Directors to be collected through payroll deduction at a rate of 1/24 of the whole dues amount, paid each pay period. Any member that fails to maintain membership by paying the appropriate dues amount in full shall not be entitled to legal defense benefits. Back paying of dues to satisfy this requirement is not allowed. Exempt or Leave of Absence members may pay their dues quarterly or yearly to the Association. Officers and Representatives shall receive a refund of dues paid at the end of each year provided they have not had more than five (5) combined unexcused absences from Board or General membership meetings in a calendar year.

Section 3: Each year the Lieutenants’ Association shall calculate the cost and expenses of negotiating, maintaining and administering the collective bargaining agreement for the prior year. The purpose will be to establish as fair share fee to be paid by covered Lieutenants who choose not to be full members of the Lieutenants’ Association. Any Lieutenant who chooses to be a fair share participant is not a member of the Lieutenant’s Association; is not entitled to vote; and not allowed top participate in any other program offered by the Lieutenants’ Association. Active members of this Lieutenants’ Association who fail to authorize dues deduction as required in the current collective bargaining agreement will be required to pay a fair-share financial obligation.

Section 4: Special assessments may be levied by the Board of Directors upon members of the Lieutenants’ Association only when, in the opinion of a majority of the Board of Directors, such a levy is necessary to carry out the work of the Lieutenants’ Association. If a majority of the Board of Directors deems such a levy advisable, they will adopt a resolution stating this fact, defining the purpose for and amount of such special assessment. Before this levy is collected, the resolution approving such a levy must be approved by a majority vote of the Active membership in attendance at one of the regularly scheduled General membership meetings.

Section 5: A retired Lieutenant who has attained the age of sixty (60) and who has been an Active member of the Association for the past, three (3) years, will be granted lifetime membership in the Association with all the rights thereof and will be presented with a certificate attesting to that fact. No dues, fees or assessments shall be collected or owed for any retired member as defined in Article III, Subsection C; who has retired in good standing from this Association.



Section 1: The election of Officers shall take place in November of odd numbered years and assume office on January 1st of even numbered years. Area representatives and the At-Large Representative(s) elections shall take place in November of even numbered years and assume office on January 1st in the odd numbered years. The nomination period will start on September 1st of each election year. Any Active Member seeking office must submit their name to the Secretary of the Lieutenants’ Association by October 15th or the first business day thereafter. Only Active members in good standing shall be eligible to vote or hold office. The Secretary will submit the names to the Nominating Committee for verification. Eligible members may only seek election to one office or Representative position at a time. Elected Officers or Representatives shall serve a two (2) year term or until their successors are elected and assume office.

Section 2: The Secretary of the Lieutenants’ Association shall publish the verified list of names of those Active members seeking election to one of the Officer or Representative positions at least fifteen (15) days prior to the announced election voting period.

Section 3: Election shall be by ballot or electronic voting whenever more than one candidate seeks an Officer or Representative position. No election is necessary if a position is uncontested. The President shall declare the single candidate a winner. The President shall appoint no less than two Board members to count votes and report the same to the Secretary. The selected Board members may not be currently running for an elected position. The Secretary will notify the Board of Directors of the election results and present the results to the Lieutenants’ Association members at the December General membership meeting.

Section 4: An election will take place by ballot if a position has more than one eligible candidate. The ballot will be sent to each Active member who is in good standing by November 1st and a reasonable time will be afforded for members to submit or return the ballots.  Ballots shall be counted within 7 days of the deadline for submission by a time designated by the board.

Section 5: In the event of death, incapacitation, resignation or promotion to an exempt, managerial or confidential position, or successful impeachment of any officer or representative except the President, it shall be the duty of the President to nominate to the board of Directors a successor for the vacated position. The nominee to this vacancy will then be approved by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the event that the board doesn’t approve the nominated successor than the President can nominate another successor until the board approves or an election has taken place. The Board approved successor shall serve the remaining term or until an election has taken place and the winner has taken office. In the event there are no candidates for any vacancy, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the vacated position until such time that a potential successor is nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors or a regularly scheduled election has taken place and a successor has been elected and takes office. In the event of the death, resignation, incapacitation, impeachment, or promotion of the President to an exempt, managerial or confidential position, the Vice-President shall assume the office of President. The vacant position of Vice-President will then be filled as stated above. The Secretary will assume the duties of the Vice-President until an elected or approved Vice-President assumes office.

Section 6: A term limit of two (2) consecutive terms shall be imposed on the President of the Lieutenants’ Association.



Section 1: The Officers of the Lieutenants’ Association are as follows: President; Vice-President; Secretary, who shall serve as both corresponding and recording Secretary; Treasurer; and Sergeant-at-Arms.

Section 2:

  1. The duties of the President are as follows: to preside at all meetings of the Lieutenants’ Association; to authorize all appropriate payments and sign documents as required; to supervise Lieutenants’ Association business; to approve all requests for use of time outlined under Section 17.2 of the current collective bargaining agreement; and to serve as a member of the contract negotiating committee. The President shall appoint all members to committees and designate the chairperson of each committee. The President shall serve as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.
  2. The duties of the Vice-President are as follows: to perform the duties of the President in his absence or inability to serve and to serve as a member of the contract negotiating committee and shall serve as the Board’s liaison to the State P.B. & P.A. Assume the duties of a vacated position until as such time that a successor is appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors or a regularly scheduled election is conducted and a successor is elected and assumes office.
  3. The duties of the Secretary are as follows: to attend to the correspondence of the Lieutenants’ Association; to notify members of their election to office; to keep the minutes of meetings in books which shall be the property of the Lieutenants’ Association and be reasonably accessible to all Active members; to notify and instruct all committees; and along with the President, sign any other documents as authorized by the President. To keep and maintain a list of all members of the association both current and retired. This list shall contain all the information necessary to contact each member.
  4. The duties of the Treasurer are as follows: to be the custodian of all Lieutenants’ Association monies received from whatever source; to pay out monies as authorized by the President or the Board of Directors; to keep full and accurate books of accounts containing records of all monies received and expended; and provide a summary of accounts to the Board of Directors at each board meeting and a formal report to Lieutenants’ Association membership at each general meeting.
    1. The books kept by the Treasurer shall be the property of the Lieutenants’ Association and open to inspection by any Lieutenants’ Association Active member at a reasonable time and place. These books will be audited by a Public Accountant only if a majority of the Lieutenants’ Association Board of Directors or the President so directs. If the same is ordered, cost shall be borne by the Lieutenants’ Association.
    2. The President, Secretary and the Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount determined by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Lieutenants’ Association shall bear the expense of the bonding.
    3. All authorized expenses submitted for reimbursement to the Lieutenants Association shall be submitted on an expense report, accompanied by documentation or proof sufficient to verify the expense. Any Debit card purchases must be presented at the next Board meeting on an expense report for review and approval. Any expenses submitted to the Treasurer on an expense report for reimbursement which doesn’t contain the necessary proof or documentation required by the Treasurer shall not be paid by the Treasurer. The expense report shall then be presented at the next scheduled board meeting. The President then may authorize payment in full or part.
      A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors may override the President’s decision. The Treasurer, if directed by the President or the Board of Directors will reimburse the submitting party.
    4. The rate of reimbursement for approved travel expenses by the Board of Directors shall be the rates as set by Internal Revenue Service Rules.
  5. The duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms are as follows: to be present at all Lieutenants’ Association meetings; to assist the presiding officer in maintaining and preserving order; and to keep and maintain for the Lieutenants’ Association Secretary an official sign-in log of members in attendance at all General membership meetings.

Section 3: The President, Vice-President, Secretary and the Treasurer have the authority to open and sign for accounts in the name of the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association. No one will be allowed to use Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association identification numbers without express written consent of the President and the Board of Directors.



Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be composed of the five (5) Lieutenants’ Association Officers and at least six (6) Representatives elected in the following manner:

  1. The Representatives of the Board of Directors will be elected by active members in the following manner:
    1. One Representative will represent Districts 2, 3, 8, 7, 9, and Area 1 Detective Division
    2. One Representative will represent Districts  4, 5, 6, 22 and Area 2 Detective Division
    3. One Representative will represent Districts 1, 18, 19, 20, 24 and Area 3 Detective Division
    4. One Representative will represent Districts 10, 11, 12, 15, and Area 4 Detective Division
    5. One Representative will represent districts 14, 16, 17, 25 and Area 5 Detective Division
    6. One Representative will represent Headquarters and all previously unidentified units.
  2. The President may authorize additional At-Large Representatives as needed to cover future changes in the Chicago Police Department operations.  The President will assign and may change the areas of Representation to reflect changes in the Chicago Police Department operations.  The President must present any changes to the Board of Directors for approval by a simple majority of Board members present.
  3. If the Pension Board member representing Lieutenants, Captains and Exempts is an Active Member of the Lieutenants’ Association and that member doesn’t serve the Lieutenants’ Association in an elected capacity, then the Pension Board Representative may serve as an “at-large” Representative of the Lieutenants’ Association Board of Directors. The President has the sole authority to appoint the Pension Board Representative as an “At-Large” Representative. The Pension Board Representative has no voting rights at board meetings unless he/she also serves in an elected capacity or as the “At Large” Representative.
  4. In the event of any vacancies caused by death, incapacitation, resignation or promotion to an exempt, managerial or confidential position, or successful impeachment of any member of the Board of Directors, said vacancies will be filled according to Article V; Elections: Section 5.  In the event there are no candidates for any vacant position on the Board of Directors, such vacancy will also be filled as stated in Article V; Elections: Section 5.
  5. The Retiree’s Representative shall be nominated by the President and approved by a simple majority vote by the Board of Directors. The Retirees’ Representative shall have no voting rights at board meetings. If retired, and with Board approval, the immediate past President of the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association shall serve as the Retirees’ Representative.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall consider all amendments to these By-Laws which are submitted in writing in the prescribed manner as directed in ARTICLE XIV; AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS Section 1. Only amendments can change existing By-Laws. A motion may be presented orally or in writing by an Active member at any General Membership meeting. The President will determine if the motion was properly presented according to the reference material in ARTICLE X; MEETINGS Section 7. The President will ask for an Active member to second the motion.
If the motion is seconded then the President may ask for a vote by the Board of Directors or table the motion for review. If submitted for review then the motion must be recalled at the next Board meeting for a discussion and vote. The results of the Board vote will be presented at the next General Membership meeting.

Section 3: The Board of Directors shall examine and consider all committee reports submitted either orally or in writing by the Committee Chairman and make such recommendations as are deemed necessary for the welfare of the Lieutenants’ Association. The final report by the Committee will be in writing. The Board of Directors may be advised, consulted and directed in matters of policy and certain other matters considering the welfare of the Lieutenants’ Association by the non-voting, ex-officio members of the Lieutenants’ Association. Such ex-officio members may be appointed by the President to act as consultants. They should hold the title of Lieutenants’ Association Attorney and Lieutenants’ Association Chaplain and may attend all meetings of the Board of Directors or a regular business meeting upon the invitation of the President.

Section 4: The Board of Directors may authorize the awarding of up to six (6) $500 Memorial scholarships in December of each year in memory of James L. O’Neill and Timothy Nolan to members in good standing who have children in school under the age of twenty-five (25) years in grade 1-16. Winners will be determined by a drawing from applications submitted by eligible members; one application per member. Procedures will be determined by the Scholarship Committee.

Section 5: The Officers and the Board of Directors shall not receive any stated salaries but by resolution of the Board, a fixed sum of expenses shall be allowed each month, to be paid at the end of the calendar year. Expenses will not be paid to any Officer or Board member who exceeds three (3) unexcused absences from Board or General Membership meetings in that calendar year. The maximum amount of expenses per month shall have a maximum of three hundred fifty (350) dollars for the President, two hundred fifty (250) for the Vice President and Treasurer and two hundred (200) dollars for every other Officer and two hundred (200) dollars for each Representative. The amount of expenses deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors as discussed at the December Board meeting shall be paid in January of the next year.  To receive such compensation a Board Member must serve for a minimum of 90 days within a calendar year.

Section 6: Business Agent. Occasionally the workload of the President may increase to the point that a business agent may have to be hired to assist the President. Duties and salary will be negotiated and require Board of Directors approval. The position is limited to Active or Retired members and will not have a vote at Board meetings. Some duties may be preparing for contract negotiations, preparing grievances, participating in contract negotiations and preparing and conducting elections.

Section 7: Political Endorsements and Contributions. It shall be the policy of the Chicago Police Lieutenant’s Association, and the Board of Directors, to remain neutral in any federal, state, county or municipal election. Therefore the Board of Directors will not issue a public endorsement for any political candidate, Political Action Committee (PAC) or political organization; nor contribute monies on behalf of the Chicago Police Lieutenant’s Association or the Board of Directors for any political candidate, Political Action Committee (PAC), political organization or political fundraiser.



Section 1: Impeachment of any member of the Board of Directors may be the proper subject of business at any regular business board meeting. Any member of the Board may present articles of Impeachment at a board meeting. Charges must be specific and outlined and signed by the submitting Board member(s).The board will accept the articles of impeachment and defer a vote until the next regularly scheduled board meeting. The member who is the subject of the impeachment, if not present, will be given notice in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to the Board meeting of the proposed action. At the Board meeting prior to the vote the subject of the impeachment will be given sufficient time to address the Board before the vote. A simple majority of the Board present will be sufficient to impeach.

Section 2: Impeachment may be based upon any willful violation of the By-Laws of the Lieutenants’ Association.

Section 3: Upon a vote of the Board of Directors to impeach, the President shall present the Articles of Impeachment at the next scheduled General membership meeting to the Active membership. The Officer or Representative who is the subject of the impeachment will be temporarily suspended from their office until the vote of the Active membership.

Section 4: Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the present Active membership at the General Membership meeting is necessary to impeach.

Section 5: Impeachment shall result in removal from office.

Section 6: Impeachment proceedings shall take precedence over any other Lieutenants’ Association business. The President, as the Chairman of the Board, shall be the Officer presiding over the impeachment hearing, unless the President is the subject of the impeachment then the Vice-President shall preside. The hearing shall take place at a location which is large enough to accommodate the Active membership. The Officer presiding over the impeachment hearing shall read to the Active membership the charges and specifications which are the basis for the impeachment. The subject of the impeachment will have sufficient time to address the charges and specifications to the Active membership. The Active membership present will vote on ballots provided by the Lieutenants’ Association, one ballet for each Active member present. The ballots shall be collected and counted in the presence of the Board of Directors by three (3) present Active members. The findings will be read aloud to the membership present, by the Officer in charge.



Section 1: Barring promotion or appointment, sickness or incapacitation, Board of Directors members are obligated to perform the duties of their office once they have accepted appointment or election thereto until their term has expired. Incapacitation or sickness, defined “as unable to perform their duties”, of a member of the Board of Directors shall be grounds for removal under ARTICLE VIII; IMPEACHMENT. A combination of three (3) unexcused Board or General meeting absences in a row maybe grounds for failure to perform your duties.

Section 2: Resignations shall be in writing and sent to the Secretary of the Lieutenants’ Association. Resignation of members in good standing shall be automatically accepted.

Section 3: Any member who acts in a manner which is prejudicial to the best interests of the Association may be subject to suspension or expulsion. A member shall not be subject to disciplinary action unless a written complaint is filed with the Secretary of the Association specifying the misconduct of the accused member and signed by two (2) Active members of the Association. The accused shall be given a fair and impartial hearing by the Board of Directors. The accused shall be furnished with a copy of the complaint and will be allowed to appear and be heard at the hearing. Within ninety (90) days of the filing of the complaint the Board of Directors will make a written finding.

Section 4. A finding of suspension or expulsion will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors. The term of suspension shall be determined by the Board of Directors but not to exceed one (1) year. In the event that less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors agree to the suspension or expulsion, no disciplinary action will be taken. An appeal may be taken by the accused member to the membership at either of the next two (2) scheduled General membership meetings with twenty (20) days written notice of prospective action. The Chairman of the Board and the accused will be given an opportunity to be heard. The matter then will be submitted to the membership for affirmation or reversal of the finding of the Board of Directors. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present will be required to reverse the findings of the Board. Failing a two-thirds (2/3) vote the finding of the Board will be affirmed.

Section 5: A member who has been expelled may petition the Board of Directors for restoration after a one (1) year period from the date of the final appeal of the expulsion and at one (1) year intervals thereafter. The petition will be presented to the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting following receipt of the petition. The Board of Directors will vote on restoration. Restoration will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board members present.



Section 1: The Lieutenants’ Association shall hold four (4) regular or general membership meetings each year. The business portion of the meeting may be attended by Active Members Only. Unless emergencies otherwise dictate or the dates for these meetings are rescheduled by the President, these meetings shall be held during the months of March, June, September and December.

Section 2: The President of the Lieutenants’ Association shall decide a reasonable time and location for all meetings so that optimum attendance may be attained.

Section 3: Upon reasonable notice to the membership, the President may call a special business meeting. The notification must state the purpose of the meeting and the business transacted must be limited to the subject matter stated in the notification.
A special meeting of the Board may be called upon the request of a majority vote of the membership at the General Membership meeting. This meeting will be for a specific purpose only, which purpose must be stated in writing to the members of the Board at least five (5) days prior to the day of the special meeting.

Section 4: In the event of the willful failure of the President to call a regular business meeting within reasonable proximity of times set forth in Section 1 above, any two officers may call for a special meeting to consider the President’s failure to call a meeting as grounds for impeachment. If any two officers fail to call a special meeting for consideration of impeachment, then any fifty (50) Active members of the Lieutenants’ Association may call such a special meeting. If the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Sergeant-at-Arms is not in attendance, then a temporary chairman will be appointed at this special meeting convened to consider the President’s failure to call a meeting as grounds for impeachment. These fifty (50) members must notify the entire Active membership of this special meeting at least fourteen (14) days prior to any special meeting. If three-fourths (3/4’s) of the Active members in attendance at such special meeting vote in favor of such impeachment, the President shall be removed from office without necessity of following formal impeachment proceedings as outlined in Article VIII.

Section 5: Only the President of the Lieutenants’ Association shall be privileged to extend an invitation to persons outside the Lieutenants’ Association to attend Lieutenants’ Association meetings or speak or entertain at the meetings.

Section 6:

Board Meetings:

  1. The President shall scheduled Board meetings and the Secretary shall inform all members of the Board of Directors the time and location of these meetings. Board Meetings will normally be held once (1) per month at a location and time which is most beneficial for optimum attendance by all board members.
  2. B. The purpose of these meetings is to conduct normal business of the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association.
  3. C During the course of these board meetings, motions may be presented to the board for a vote. The President will entertain the motion to the Board; the motion would be brought to the floor by a board member and seconded. A simple majority vote of the board members in attendance shall determine the passing of these motions. The President who normally doesn’t vote on motions will be used to break a tie. If the motion is not brought to the floor or seconded than the President can table the motion or sent it to a committee for review

Section 7:

Reference Material

Robert’s Rules of Order; the Modern Edition revised by Darwin Patnode, PhD. published by Berkley Books copyright 1989 or its equivalent shall be used as reference material to assist the board in conducting meetings.

Section 8: Only the President may excuse Officers and Representatives from Board or General Membership meetings. A record of absences shall be kept by the Secretary of the Lieutenants’ Association.



Section 1: The President may appoint Standing and/or Special Committees or designate the entire assembly as a Committee of the whole.

Section 2: The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 3: The President shall appoint all committees and committee chairpersons. Committees must consist of a chairperson and at least two (2) other Active members. The Chairperson of each committee must be a Board member. The President can recommend to the Board of Directors the removal of any committee member or replacement of the committee chairperson at which time the board can vote by simple majority to accept the recommendation.

Section 4: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the Lieutenants’ Association. This Committee will be used to authenticate the standing of any of those members seeking an elected position. The Secretary will publish the verified list of those members seeking elected position and the position they seek at least fifteen (15) days prior to the announced election voting period.

Section 5: It shall be the duty of the committee chairperson to call the committee together. However, if the chair is absent or neglects or declines to call a meeting of the committee, it is the duty of the committee to meet on the call of a majority of its members.

Section 6: Committee reports must be limited to the express purpose for which the committee was created.

Section 7: Committee reports must be written in the third person and signed by the committee chair by committee authority.

Section 8: The report of the majority is its official report. However, if a minority disagrees with the official report, they may present a dissent, which will be made part of the official report. If a tie exists during a committee vote than the vote of the chairperson shall be elevated to 1.5 times the rate of the other committee members. No votes shall be taken unless a majority of the committee members are present.

Section 9: The President shall appoint or be a member of all panels and committees as described in the Labor Contract negotiated between the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association – Unit 156 of the Police Benevolent and Protective Association and the City of Chicago. This committee established for the purpose of contract negotiation with the City shall consist of the President, Vice-President and at least one other active Active member appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors with a simple majority vote of Board members. The President shall appoint a temporary Active member to replace a committee member who is unable to attend a scheduled negotiating meeting. This committee becomes in integral part of the By-Laws and cannot be removed.

Section 10: Members of a special committee shall serve until the purpose for which it was created is accomplished or said committee is dissolved by the President.



One-half (1/2) of the Officers and members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular ,General, Board or special business meeting of the Lieutenants’ Association. A simple majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1: The order of business for the Lieutenants’ Association Board and General meetings shall be as follows:

  1. Call to order by the President;
  2. Opening ceremonies;
  3. Reading, correction, approval or disapproval of Minutes of the previous meeting by the Secretary;
  4. Report by the Treasurer;
  5. Report of the Pension Board Representative
  6. Reports of Special Committees;
  7. Unfinished Business and General Orders;
  8. New Business;
  9. Announcements and Correspondence;
  10. Adjournment.

Section 2:

Reference Material

Robert’s Rules of Order; the Modern Edition revised by Darwin Patnode, PhD published by Berkley Books copyright 1989 or its equivalent shall be used as reference material to assist the board in conducting meetings.



Section 1: Amendments to the By-Laws may be proposed by any Active member by presenting the proposed amendment in writing to the Secretary. Amendments need to specifically identify the Article and subsection that the submitting Active member wants to amendment. The Secretary will verify that the proposed Amendment is properly submitted and present the amendment at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. At least Ninety (90) days after the amendment is submitted to the Board, at the next Board meeting the Board of Directors will vote on the amendment. A simple majority vote of the Board of Directors is required for adoption or defeat. The results of the Board of Directors vote will be presented to the membership at the next regularly scheduled General meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Active membership may reverse the findings of the Board of Directors, provided those seeking the reversal are liable for the expense of publishing and tallying any such vote should their attempt fail.

Section 2: Any such proposed Amendment will be considered in accordance with Article VII; Section 2.



The officers of the Lieutenants’ Association are authorized to purchase and present a retirement star to any Active Member or Exempt, Managerial, or Confidential Member upon retirement provided:

  1. That all of the conditions set forth in Article III, A and B and Article IV have been fulfilled;
  2. That the member seeking a retirement star paid annual dues as an Active Member delineated in Article IV since the day of promotion to Lieutenant or within thirteen (13) days thereafter; and
  3. That the member seeking a retirement star has paid all annual dues according to Article IV even though said member temporarily resigned from the Lieutenants’ Association, was dropped as a member for a period of time for non-payment of dues, or is awaiting reinstatement for any reason whatsoever.



Should any dispute arise in relation to the interpretation or construction of the By-Laws or Minutes made pursuant thereto, the President or Presiding Officer shall settle such dispute and the decision reached shall be final.



These By-Laws shall be in full force and effect immediately upon adoption by the Lieutenants’ Association Board of Directors at a scheduled meeting. These By-Laws shall supersede and render null and void any and all existing construction or By-Laws of the Chicago Police Lieutenants’ Association.



This Amendment made and dated December 20, 2023, by the Board of Directors by a vote of a Quorum of the members is hereby made pursuant to Article VII Section 2 of the Association’s Bylaws. This Amendment was brought forth in compliance with ARTICLE X; MEETINGS Section 7.

IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Association having voted on the following desire to amend the Bylaws. NOW THEREFORE, the Board hereby amends, corrects and modifies ARTICLE VII Section 4 of the Bylaws with the following:

1) Should an active member of the Association who is in good standing wish to apply for a duty related disability with the Pension Board, the member shall notify the Board of Directors in writing of said intention no later than (3) business days after the application was submitted to the Pension Board.

2) Should the member seeking duty disability wish to retain a private attorney for representation, the member must supply the Board of Directors with the Attorney’s name and representation agreement.

3) Should the member be successful in receiving duty related disability benefits from the Pension Board, the member may request reimbursement for the legal expenses incurred. At the next regularly scheduled monthly board meeting the Board of Directors shall hold a vote on whether the legal expenses shall be approved.

4) The total legal reimbursement amount shall not exceed $3,000.00.

5) Should the member seeking duty related disability benefits be unsuccessful in the attempt, under no circumstances shall any legal expenses be reimbursed.

6) No reimbursement for legal expenses shall be made in the event that an appeal of the Pension Board’s ruling is successful.