Statement from the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation regarding the murder of five police officers in Dallas


Any time a police officer is killed in the line of duty, it is a tragedy. But when police officers, the guardians of our public safety, are targeted by violent killers because of the job they do and the uniform they wear, the tragedy is magnified tenfold.
Last night in Dallas, five police officers had their lives stolen from them during an otherwise peaceful demonstration. They were killed while facilitating free speech, protecting the First Amendment and providing a safe environment for individuals to peacefully protest. Seven other officers were shot while performing the same duties. Two civilians were also victimized.
The Chicago Police Memorial Foundation and all of our supporters are standing squarely beside our brothers and sisters in Dallas today and in the coming days as they grieve the loss of their fellow officers.
We are also mindful that investigators in Dallas are doing their very difficult jobs with extremely heavy hearts today. We are hopeful that they are able to investigate this attack and identify all the responsible offenders as they begin the important work of holding these violent offenders fully accountable.
Our thoughts are also with Chicago police officers and their families. The tragedy in Dallas is no doubt weighing heavily on their minds. Throughout Chicago today, the children, spouses and families of Chicago police officers will give their loved one an extra hug as those officers head to work, deeply concerned for their safety and eagerly awaiting their return home after their tour.
As it does on a regular basis, the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation stands ready to provide whatever support and counseling it can to Chicago police officers and and their families as they cope with the very sad tragedy in Dallas.
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