NAPO Statement on nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

Dear NAPO members:

It was announced this morning that President-elect Trump will nominate Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as United States Attorney General. Senator Sessions served as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama and the Alabama Attorney General before joining the Senate in 1997.  He is a respected member of the Judiciary Committee and has worked closely with NAPO on several of our priority legislation.

He is a cosponsor of the Thin Blue Line Act and spoke with NAPO leaders at a press conference in support of the legislation last year. He is also a cosponsor of the Lifesaving Gear for Police Act, which would rescind President Obama’s executive order that restricts state and local law enforcements’ access to surplus military equipment.  He is a staunch supporter of stronger immigration enforcement and cosponsored the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act.

Further, as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he worked with NAPO and the law enforcement community to amend the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act during Committee markup to include emergency exceptions to the warrant requirement. He has also been a voice of opposition to expansive sentencing reform and supports maintaining the current mandatory minimum sentences.

Senator Sessions needs to be confirmed by the Senate to be U.S. Attorney General and while there is some opposition from Democrats to the nomination, it is unlikely that the Senate will fail to confirm one of their colleagues. NAPO believes that Senator Sessions will be an ally to NAPO on many of our key Department of Justice issues and we look forward to working with him as the next Attorney General.

We will keep providing updates as more cabinet and staff nominations are learned.

Have a great weekend.

Bill Johnson

William J. Johnson, Esq., CAE

Executive Director

National Association of Police Organizations

317 S. Patrick Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314

(703) 549-0775

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