Uniform “Recycling” Program

Uniform “Recycling” Program

Several months ago a retired CPD Lt. asked about donating her old uniforms as she was in the process of re-organizing her home. She felt that having active members be able to make use of these “in good condition ” clothing items was a much better idea than just throwing them away. Since then, several more of our retirees have expressed interest in this idea.

The CPD Lt.’s Association Board has approved a program to recycle “in good condition” clothing uniform items that any retired or active Lt. would like to donate. If you have any such items and wish to make some room in your closet you may donate them to the Lt.’s Association.

The process will be:

–Retired or active Lt. donates items to the Lt.’s Association (which will be stored at the Sgt.’s Association’s offices).

–When the Association has received enough donated uniforms an announcement will be sent out and then:

–Any sworn CPD officer may make an appointment and come to the office and replace their worn out (or shrunken) uniform items with the donated items.

–The officer will be asked to make a reasonable donation , through the Association, to either the:

–One Hundred Club of Chicago


–The Chicago Police Memorial Fund


If anyone would like to participate in this program you may donate items in one of two ways:

1) You may bring them to a Lt.’s dinner/mtg (next one is 14Mar17)

2) You may drop items off at the Sgts. Associations offices


1616 W. Pershing Road

Chicago, IL. 60609


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