REMINDER: General Membership Meeting and Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner!

Please join us on 14 March 2023 at 6:00 pm at the American Legion Post 854 at 9701 South Kedzie Evergreen Park, IL for the general membership meeting and annual corned beef and cabbage dinner.
General Membership Meeting & Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner

Please join us on 14 March 2023 at 6:00 pm at the American Legion Post 854 at 9701 South Kedzie Evergreen Park, IL for the general membership meeting and annual corned beef and cabbage dinner.
General Membership Meeting and Scholarship Drawing

Please join us on 10-Jan-23 at 6:00 pm at Connie’s Pizza 2373 South Archer Chicago, IL 60610 for our January 2023 meeting and annual Nolan-O’Neil Academic Scholarship drawing. Scholarship application is below. Please email your completed form to Treasurer Tim Kennedy at by 6-Jan-23 to participate in the drawing.
Midwest Coalition of Labor Member Benefits

Did you know the MCL offers these products and services as a benefit to its members. As a member of the PBPA you are a member of the MCL and are entitled to the discounts and other benefits and services offered through the MCL. The Midwest Coalition of Labor Member Discount Program can help you […]
Updated Information Physical Fitness Award Pay

The Department has indicated that Fitness Incentive Checks will be deposited tomorrow, 2 December. The Union is aware of the Department’s failure to include Fitness Pay in the December 1 payroll. The union has reached out to Finance and the Labor Relations Division regarding this oversight.
Personal Day Restrictions

See attachment for 2023 Personal Day Restrictions.
Arbitration Award

Attached is the Arbitrator’s opinion and final award addressing the grievance with regard to the Department’s incessant RDO holiday cancellations.
Retirement Party for Lieutenants Association Area Rep. Lt. Terry McGuire

Retirement Party on 12 Nov 22 at 7 pm at Barraco’s 3047 W. 111th St. Chicago. Tickets are available at the door.
FLSA/Rank Credit Court Proceedings Update

Many members have inquired about the FLSA/Rank Credit court proceedings. The matter is being handled by an outside law firm not directly affiliated with the Union which is the reason Union representatives were unable to provide specific updates. The Unions met with the Attorneys handling the matter this week and Attorney Geiger provided the Union […]
Cycle 8 Overtime Payment Issues

The Department’s Labor Affairs Division is aware that approximately 473 members of all 4 sworn unions were not paid. Per City Payroll, the unpaid funds are expected to be deposited on 12 September for the members who did not receive their Cycle 8 overtime. If the member does not have direct deposit, the checks will […]