Board Endorses Ed Wodnicki To Fill Pension Board Position

On September 8 Lt. James Maloney reached the magical age of 63 and retired from the Chicago Police Department.  We would like to thank Jim for his years of service both to the Union and as our pension representative.  His hard work and dedication will be appreciated for many years to come.  We wish him well in his retirement and may he cash many pension checks from the fund that he worked so diligently on to maintain its fiscal strength.

With Jim’s retirement there is now a vacancy on the Chicago Police Pension Board.  The position that is open represents the lieutenants, captains and exempt members on the board.  Within the next week or so you will be receiving ballots to elect a new Pension Board member to fill that vacancy.  There are two candidates running for the position, Lts. Luke Kelly and Edward Wodnicki.

At our September executive board meeting the endorsement of one of the two candidates was discussed and voted upon.  It was a hard call as both of these gentlemen are highly qualified and would bring distinct talents to the Pension Board.  After much discussion the board voted to endorse Lt. Edward Wodnicki.  When you cast your ballot we ask that you give careful consideration to your vote taking into account our endorsement.  We feel that Ed will work hard to protect our funds in order to ensure that we all enjoy a comfortable retirement that we all worked so hard for during our careers.

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One Response

  1. Congrats to Jim Maloney , enjoy your retirement . Thanks for the years of service on the pension board . Take care , Jim Solava

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