Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

Bureau of Patrol Special Order #17-05 takes effect today, 05 February 17

Fellow Lieutenants~

Please be aware that the Bureau of Patrol Special Order #17-05 takes effect today, 05 February 17. This BPSO will have a significant effect on our membership regarding the use of elective time off for all members and may have an impact on work locations for Management Lieutenants. Moving forward, it will be extremely important to submit requests for the use of compensatory time as far in advance as possible.

BPSO 17-05 states all three (3) watches must be staffed by at least one (1) lieutenant at all times. In the event a district is unable to meet this minimum staffing requirement, it will be the responsibility of the District Commander to contact the respective Area Deputy Chief for a replacement”.

With the recent promotion of 52 new lieutenants, most if not all districts in Patrol will have 3 lieutenants assigned to each watch. However, furloughs, medical and IOD may impact the actual number of lieutenants who are available to work.

Lieutenants are encouraged to read Section 20.12 of our current collective bargaining agreement entitled “Out of Area Detail”. This section of the contract identifies districts by area in which MANAGEMENT lieutenants assigned to District Law Enforcement may be detailed WITHOUT PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO THE LIEUTENANT.

This section of our collective bargaining agreement also goes on to explain the procedure to be followed in the event that a premium pay opportunity arises.

“When a premium pay opportunity within the meaning of this Section arises in the District from which the detail is drawn, the most senior Lieutenant in that District shall be given the first option to accept the detail and he or she shall be compensated at the rate of time-and one-half in quarter hour increments for the duration of the detail. If the Department determines a Management Lieutenant is to be detailed to the Joint Operations Center, the Lieutenant may be chosen from Area Central without payment of premium pay.

Furthermore, our protections in the event that an assignment is made contrary to our CBA are also outlined as follows:

If the Employer details a Lieutenant in any manner contrary to the provisions of this Section, the affected Lieutenant will be compensated at the rate of time-and-one-half in quarter hour increments for the duration of the detail. This Section will not apply to details required by major unforeseen events for which the Department has less than three days’ notice, provided that this exception shall not apply for more than five (5) calendar days. This Section does not apply to Lieutenants assigned to the Community Policing Office, Tactical Lieutenants or Lieutenants assigned as Foot Lieutenants in the 1st and 18th Districts.

All members are encouraged to review the collective bargaining agreement as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact any Board Member should you have any questions or concerns regarding your ability to use compensatory time, or to be compensated in the event you are detailed out of your district for a tour of duty.


Lt. Eve M. Gushes #412


PBPA Unit 156B


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