Personal Day Restrictions

See attachment for 2023 Personal Day Restrictions.
Arbitration Award

Attached is the Arbitrator’s opinion and final award addressing the grievance with regard to the Department’s incessant RDO holiday cancellations.
Grievance Agreement Reached for the Department’s Egregious Breach of 2022 Settlement Agreement with regard to 2023 Juneteenth & 4th of July Holiday RDO Cancellations

The three PBPA unions have agreed to the following regarding the grievances for the summer holiday settlement agreement violations: 1. The City agrees to cancel only one (1) RDO for the Labor Day holiday. 2. The City agrees to schedule personnel no earlier than 9 hours after a cancelled RDO. 3. This agreement covers the […]
Contract Negotiations

The Lieutenants Association will begin contract negotiations soon. If a member has specific issue or section of the contract that they feel needs to be addressed, please share your ideas with members of the CPLA Executive Board or your CPLA Area representative.
RDO Cancellations 18-20 March 2022

The Lieutenants Association is aware that the Department has yet again, with no notice, decided to arbitrarily cancel Lieutenants’ RDO using reverse seniority for 18/19/20-Mar-22, in Areas Two, Three and Central Control Group if there are not a sufficient number of volunteers for the “Tiered Deployment.” Lieutenants working in the affected Areas in DOGs 65, […]
Union News and Notes
1. Oktoberfest Meeting: Due to the limitations on the restaurant capacity, we were unable to hold a September General Meeting. If we are able to find a location for an outdoor meeting or the restrictions are lifted, we may attempt to schedule an October or November meeting 2. Contract Update: Despite ratification of the contract […]
Arbitration Award Released
I attached several documents, one the award which is 106 pages, a brief summary of the issues, and a summary published by our Attorney Tom Pleines regarding the award.
Message from President Stiscak

Lieutenants, The interim financial deal agreed to in September between the three supervisor’s unions and the City was ratified on 13 November 19 at City Council. The terms of the contract were originally posted on the website in September, a summary of the interim agreement is listed below. Since the interim financial agreement, the arbitration […]
Healthcare Benefits Moving Forward

This just in from Union President Stiscak: The retirement health care benefits, of 2% at the age of 55 and 0% at the age of 60 with the limitations of retiring after May 1, remain in place. The city has proposed increasing the cost of these benefits, our position is to keep current benefits in […]
Important Message from Union President Mike Stiscak

Members,The Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants unions have reached an agreement with the city regarding wages and healthcare. The contract is a 6 year contract from July 2016 thru June 2022 with an average of 2.25% per year with the inclusion of a $200 raise in duty availability retroactive to 2017 which is pensionable. Health […]