The City of Chicago Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability has requested that the active and retired membership complete a survey, Provide Input on Chicago’s Next Superintendent, by June 9th. The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability is responsible for conducting the search for the next Police Superintendent, and they want police personnels’ input on what to look for in the next leader. They will consider our input when reviewing applications and interviewing Superintendent candidates. The Commission has received applications from more than 50 candidates and will review applications and conduct background reports, interview candidates, and nominate three candidates to send to the Mayor. The Mayor must select a Superintendent from the three options submitted and then the Mayor’s selection is subject to City Council confirmation.
If you’d like to provide input, you can use this link to provide an anonymous response: Provide Input on Chicago’s Next Superintendent. This form should take about 10 minutes to complete. Below attached is a flyer that has a QR code which will link people to the survey