In order to ensure better contact with our members CPDLTS.COM is partnering with Constant Contact for a 30 day trial period. We at CPDLTS.COM recognize that some of our members are not receiving emails and notifications in a timely matter. In order to address this we are trying out this service as a better way to reach our members. We will continue to update our contacts to ensure we have the correct contact information for all our members. We hope this trial will result in better communication with all of our members. To all members there is no need for you to do anything and while this new partnership will result in a few more emails to your inbox, you will not be overloaded with emails from the Association. We look forward to better serving all our members and if you have any website related issues or need a password reset or username information please email Tim Kennedy at
General Membership Meeting and Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner