Keep a cop killer off the streets—make a difference

The Los Angels Police Protective League has posted the following message regarding public safety. Follow us on Twitter at and like us on Facebook at

Keep a cop killer off the streets—make a difference

Keeping our BlueLivesMattercommunities safe has to be our top priority, and a strong precedent needs to be set for those who murder peace officers. Apparently, the California Parole Board care for neither safety or that precedent, as they are continuing to grant parole for dangerous inmates in order to reduce the overall number in today’s prisons.

After petitioning for and being granted an earlier hearing, convicted cop killer Raylene Brooks CDC #W40103 was granted parole on May 18, 2016, by the California Parole Board, and all that stands in the way of this killer being released into society is a reversal from Governor Jerry Brown.

Please email or write to Governor Brown immediately and urge him to keep Raylene Brooks CDC #W40103 behind bars. Please send letters opposing this parole to:

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Attention: LEGAL
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, California 95814
Raylene Brooks CDC #W40103*
(*If you choose to email the governor, please include this identifying information.)

The Parole Board has made it clear that it does not feel that public safety comes first and that the murder of peace officers can be forgotten. Now it’s our turn to make a difference and have our voices heard; our communities and peace officers take precedent over statistical goals on a piece of paper.

We must implore Governor Brown to reverse the ignorant decision from the Parole Board to free Brooks, and keep this cop killer behind bars for public good.

On the night of September 3, 1988, Officer Daniel Pratt and his partner, Officer Veronica Delao Jenkins, were undercover in South Los Angeles when they heard what they thought waLAPD Officer Daniel Pratts gunfire. They then encountered the headlights of the car that, just minutes before, had been involved in a gang-related drive-by shooting, leaving three people wounded. Upon pursuit, Brooks made an abrupt U-turn and headed toward the officers. Brooks’ then boyfriend, Kirkton Moore, opened fire on Officer Pratt, striking and killing him instantly. As the driver of the car involved in the shooting, Brooks was convicted of first-degree murder of a peace officer.


Officer Pratt is survived by his wife, Andria; daughters, Amanda and Heather; and sons, Danny Jr. and Nicholas. Also surviving him are his parents, Joyce and Roy Pratt Sr., four brothers, three sisters, and a host of other loved ones.

Please help us and send the message that the killing of a law enforcement officer is the ultimate violation of public safety and should result in the forfeiture of the assailant’s freedom for life. Public safety must come first!

On behalf of the almost 10,000 LAPD officers who protect and serve Los Angeles, the LAPPL has already mailed a letter to Governor Brown, but it’s going to take more people speaking up to keep this cop killer out of our communities.

Time is of the essence so if you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to call (916) 445-2841 or email the governor at You can also write to him at:

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Attention: LEGAL
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, California 95814
Raylene Brooks CDC #W40103*
(*If you choose to email the governor, please include this identifying information.)

We only have limited time to convince the governor to reverse this travesty of justice, so please call and send your emails or letters soon. Make your voices heard and prevent this murderer from being released back into society. We will never forget Officer Daniel Pratt.

Thank you for helping us keep public safety first.

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