Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

NAPO Response to Police Chiefs’ Apology

Date: October 17, 2016

NAPO Response to Police Chiefs’ Apology:


NAPO’s National President Michael McHale and Executive Director William Johnson issued the following statement in response to IACP President Terrence Cunningham’s collective apology for American police:


“We are extremely disappointed to see such a poorly thought-out statement. NAPO stands for the notion of individual responsibility, not collective guilt.  Such appeasement of the violent anti-police movement is just one more nail in the coffin of American law enforcement.  The people who support American police officers aren’t looking for an apology. And for the people who hate the police it won’t make any difference.”


William J Johnson, Esq., CAE
Executive Director
National Association of Police Organizations
317 South Patrick Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 549-0775 office

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