Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

Second Quarter Health Points Deadline is 30 June 2016!

We have received a letter from the Finance Department that there are still 33 Lieutenants who have not yet completed the required 12 health care points to meet the second quarter participation requirement for the Chicago Lives Healthy wellness program.  

Remember that you must earn 12 quarterly participation points before June 30, 2016 to avoid a $50 per non‐participant increase in your monthly health care contribution.


Earn your quarterly points online today!

Step 1:  Go to and click on the “Get Started” button.

Step 2:  Click on the “Access Well‐Being Connect” button.

Step 3:  Enter your username and password.   (If you  forgot your username and/or password, you can view  the  instructional  videos  specially  created  to  help  with  your  “Sign‐In”  needs  under  the  Important  Links  section  at OR call Healthways at 1‐866‐556‐7671.)

Step 4:  Earn 12 points online.  By completing 12 online activities, you can earn ALL 12 points at one time.

If  you  do  not  earn  your  12  quarterly  participation  points  by  June  30,  2016,  the  City  of  Chicago  employee  will  receive  notice  of when  the  non‐participant increase in  health  care  contributions will  be applied  to  his/her  paycheck.  Once increased health care contributions are implemented, they will be taken through the end of 2016  and  you  will  not  be  eligible  to  enroll  in  the  wellness  program  again  until  the  2017  benefits  open  enrollment  period in the fall of 2016.  If you have questions about how to earn additional points, please contact Healthways at 1‐866‐556‐7671.  There  is a video tutorial under the Important Links section at to help you determine your  total  points  earned  quarterly  and  enrollment  events  completed  for  the  program  year.    You  can  visit for more information on your quarterly points.

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