Union News and Notes

1. Oktoberfest Meeting: Due to the limitations on the restaurant capacity, we were unable to hold a September General Meeting. If we are able to find a location for an outdoor meeting or the restrictions are lifted, we may attempt to schedule an October or November meeting

2. Contract Update:  Despite ratification of the contract and the terms being in full effect, the Union has not signed the contract due to ongoing editorial issues during the scrivener period.  Specific Language, intent in the arbitration ruling and tentative agreements are still being added and discussed.  To be clear, the new contract is in effect.

3.  Holiday Compensation:  Due to #2, the contract was not published and distributed to Divisions within the Department.  As a result, Holiday Compensation changes for Labor Day were not provided to Timekeepers.  Under the new CBA, you have the option of taking all of the compensation in either CU or Pay, the caveat is that you must elect one or the other and not split the option.  On a typical holiday in which you work, you will now receive 12.75 of either Compensatory Time or Pay (the previous is based on the 8.5 hr schedule).  The Union has contacted Labor Relations to ensure compliance by timekeepers to avoid future litigation.

 4.  Green Slips: Under the new CBA, enrollment in Green Slips is required for all supervisors.  Please familiarize yourself with the system as paper check stubs will no longer be issued in October.  Additionally, you will need to access to Green Slips for your W-2s.

5.  Pay Dates: Under the new CBA, the City was granted the option to adjust pay dates from the 1st and the 16th of the month to the 7th and 22nd of each month. The City notified the Union, the change would begin February 7th of 2021.  Please make the necessary adjustments to your auto pay and auto withdrawals. The Union will send future reminders of the change.

 6. Vacation Days:  Under the new CBA, Supervisors will receive Vacation Days in lieu of Vacation Hours.  There will no longer be a  need to supplement Vacation Hours with Compensatory Time to complete the final Vacation Day.

Effective upon ratification of this Agreement, Lieutenants working an eight (8) hour schedule shall receive twenty-five (25) working days of furlough. Lieutenants working an eight-and-one-half hour (8.5) schedule shall receive twenty-four (24) working days of furlough. Lieutenants working a ten (10) hour schedule shall receive twenty (20) working days of furlough.

If your furlough was after July 22, 2020 and you were required to use Compensatory Time to supplement your final Vacation Day, your timekeeper should refund your Compensatory Time.  For those with upcoming furlough, notify the timekeeper of the changes.  The Union has contacted Labor Relations and Timekeeping to make the timekeepers aware of the change. 

7.  Me Too Clause:  The City recently ratified the Chicago Fire Department’s Local 2 CBA.  Local 2 received a 1% base rate increase effective July 1, 2017.  As a result of the “me too” provision in our contract, we will receive an additional 1% raise from the last six months of 2017 in the form of a retroactive check. The Union filed a grievance to ensure the City complies with the wage increase, however the City has recognized the raise and included it in the Salary Schedules which should be added to the new CBA.  Additionally, the CFD Local 2, will receive a 2.5 percent base wage increase on January 2021, this will provide us with an additional .5% increase beginning January 1, 2021.  The CFD Local 2 received the same Retiree Health Care increases, however, the increases will not go into effect until January of 2021. An additional grievance has been filed to ensure compliance, but the City indicated they would not begin to withhold the increased amounts from CPD until January 2021.

8. Retro Checks:  The City miscalculated several of the Supervisor’s retroactive checks that were issued earlier in 2019.  In addition, there were additional miscalculations submitted to the Pension Board for those members that retired during the retroactive period.  The pension board is currently correcting the calculations to ensure retro pension calculations are accurate.  The City is also conducting an audit process of the actives.  We have been assured audit sheets will be provided before any adjustments are made to the retroactive adjustments.

9.  6th/7th Day Arbitration: The arbitration date is set on October 15th. Typically, an arbitration ruling will take 60-90 days to be returned after the hearing.  

10.  Union Elections:  The Area Representative positions are up for election In November. Per the By-Laws, the Area Representative Positions elections occur in even number years.  If you are interested in running for a position, please provide a letter of intent to be included on the ballot and which position you intend to seek election.  This letter can be submitted to any Executive Board Member.  There are currently 6 Area Representative positions, one for each of the current Areas and a Headquarters Representative for units not in Area designation.

11.  Pension Board:  The letter issued from the Pension Board regarding the result is attached.  Thank you for all of those that voted. The previous elections typically received 40% return.  This election returned 57% of the ballots. I will remain the Union President in addition to the Pension Board position.

12. By-Laws:  Several by-law changes were proposed at the September Executive Board meeting.  One proposed change was the option to utilize an electronic system for any future Union elections.  This should provide a more efficient method of conducting elections.  An additional proposal included adjusting the Area designations in the by-laws to reflect the current Areas as well as eliminating an At-Large Representative.  Feel free to weigh in on any of the proposals since we were unable to hold a general meeting.

13.  Out of Area Details: The new Area designations continue to be in effect and will be included in the new CBA.  If you have any questions on how Lieutenants are detailed or how premium pay is earned, feel free to reach out to the Union.

Area 1 – 002, 003, 007, 008, and 009th Districts

Area 2 – 004, 005, 006, and 022nd Districts

Area 3 – 001, 018, 019, 020, and 024th Districts

Area 4 – 010, 011, 012, and 015th Districts

Area 5 – 014, 016, 017, and 025th Districts

14. Contacting the Union:  The Union has utilized an answering service for several years which the Board has voted to cancel due to the cost and multiple layers required to receive the messages. 

Please utilize the below for any questions or inquiries:

Email: Michael.Stiscak@Chicagopolice.org.  Call or Text: 773-610-5618

Email: Daniel.OConnor@chicagopolice.org.   Call or Text: 773-837-8257

Email: Thomas.Beazley@chicagopolice.org. Call or Text: 773-426-7831

Additionally, the Area Representatives or Board Members may be contacted with questions:

Mark.Duignan@chicagopolice.org. Sergeant at Arms

James.Ballauer@chicagopolice.org. Area 1 Representative

Terry.McGuire@chicagopolice.org. Area 2 Representative

Scott.McLain@chicagopolice.org Area 3 Representative

Timothy.Kennedy@chicagpolilce.org Area 4 Representative

Roy.Isakson@chicagopolice.org Area 5 Representative

Jon.Reckard@chicagopolice.org HQ Representative

If you need Attorney Representation for either a Witness or Accused Statement, you may contact the Legal Staff Directly at 312-453-7751.  The new calendar books will have the updated information.

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