Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

A Personal Message from President Bob Kero

As your Union President I thought it appropriate to keep you informed of what is going to occur with your Union leadership. I put in my papers to retire on May 15th. My original hope was to stay through the completion of the negotiations on our contract. With all of the issues that have come up in the City there is no way that this will happen before I turn 63 in October. With that in mind I thought I would enjoy this summer without having to be looking at events and schedules and everything else that impacts getting a day off. I now have two grand kids so they are going to have plenty of time for grandpa to spoil them!

As Vice President, Mike Stiscak will be moving into the President’s spot. I am completely confident that he will continue the negotiations with the City all the while looking out for our members. He has been a great asset and will lead the Union competently and with the professionalism that we have enjoyed in the past. I wish him the best and I know that he will do an excellent job.

We have worked hard for almost three years on getting a contract and the efforts will continue. The City has tendered a number of issues that we have felt were not in the best interests of our members and we have worked hard to ensure that your rights are not diminished. I know that this effort will continue. All three of the supervisors’ unions, as well as the FOP, communicate regularly and all are on the same page as to keeping our contracts strong and with the members’ rights being foremost in the negotiations.

I want to thank everyone for their help and cooperation over the last few years. It has been a privilege to represent you and I wish you all the best in the future. Stay safe, take care of the troops and continue to do the work you do to help lead the greatest Police Department in the country.

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