Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

Arbitrator Ruled In Our Favor

In July 2016, we filed a grievance demanding the same wage increase members of FOP and the Fire Captains received. The City failed to give us the raise based on the fact our contract expired in June. We subsequently went to an arbitration hearing and argued in front of Arbitrator Perkovich that the “Continuing Effect” clause of our contract extended the wage “me-too” clause in our contract and therefore we were entitled to the raise. When we filed our grievance the only wage increase was the 2% on July 1, 2016. When another 1% increase was applied to FOP and Fire on January 1, 2017, it was our presumption our original grievance encompassed this raise as well.

Today, the Arbitrator ruled in our favor and stated we are entitled to the 2% increase with retroactivity to July 1, 2016. However, the arbitrator did not include the 1% increase in his award.

While this was a big win for us, we are in discussions with our attorneys, Tom Pleines and Joe Andruzzi, as to what actions need to be taken next to get our membership this increase and back pay as soon as possible. At this time we don’t have any further information but we will update you on the website as any new information comes in.

Stay safe and take care of the troops.

Bob Kero

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