Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship Fund for the School Year 2018/2019
Hobart “Curley” Rogers Scholarship Fund for the School Year 2018/2019
Law Enforcement Gun Liability Coverage
When we were at the State PBPA conference last month we had a great presentation by an insurance company offering law enforcement gun liability coverage. I’ve gotten several inquires so I thought I’d post it for all of us. https://www.shielduins.com/
2018 Chicago Lives Healthy Wellness Program
Schedule and Attend a Biometric Screening before 10 Mar 2018! http://www.chicagoliveshealthy.com/get-started.html
(U–FOUO) Intelligence Note – Winter Holiday Season Threat Awareness – 21 Nov 17
Thank You Veterans!
Thank You Veterans from all of us at the Chicago Police Lieutenants Association!
Veterans Day deals: Where vets get freebies and discounted meals, haircuts and more
USA Today just posted a great article on businesses that are thanking our veterans this weekend: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2017/11/07/veterans-day-deals-2017/837499001/
Commemorate Veterans’ Day At Your Favorite Drive-In
Commemorate Veterans’ Day At Your Favorite Drive-In When Maurie returned from WWII, he married his high school sweetheart, Flaurie, and together, they opened Superdawg Drive-In. We honor and thank our military heroes, past and present, by giving every Veteran and Active-Duty Military Personnel a FREE Supermeal on Veterans’ Day. Just identify yourself to a cashier or […]
Rockford Police Officer and PBPA member Jaimie Cox was killed in the line of duty
Rockford Police Officer and PBPA member Jaimie Cox was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, November 5, 2017. Our hearts are heavy as we pray for our lost member, his family, and all of the officers at Rockford PD. Here are the details regarding arrangements for his wake and funeral. Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to […]
Flu Shots
Flu Shots The Chicago Department of Public Health will be offering flu shots for all Department Members and their immediate family members at no cost from 0900 – 1500 hours on the following dates and locations: Area Central: 07 Nov 2017; 5101 S. Wentworth Ave. Area North: 08 Nov 2017; 2452 W. Belmont Ave. 025th […]