CPD’s Finest v. NYPD’s Finest Charity Baseball Game at Wrigley Field

15 April 2023 from 12:00 pm at Wrigley Field 1060 West Addison Street, Chicago, IL All proceeds from this event benefit the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation and Chicago Police families in need. Marquee Gate at Clark and Addison Opens: 10:30am Opening Ceremonies: 11:30am Game Start: 12pm $10 donation per person for entry Parking available in the […]

Death of Retired Lt. James B. Conlisk

Retired Lieutenant James B. Conlisk passed away April 1, 2023. Father to Sgt Brian Conlisk (014) and Sgt Mark Conlisk (025). Visitation: Thursday, April 06 202303:00 PM – 08:00 PM at Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home Chicago at 6150 N. Cicero Ave. Chicago, IL 60646. St. Jude will meet 6 April 23 at 7:00 pm

Retiree Civilian Job & Resource Fair

For those considering a job after retirement there will be a job fair showing civilian positions available with the Chicago Police Department. The fair is being held at Sunday March 26, 2023 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm at the Chicago FOP Lodge #7 1412 W Washington Blvd. SPONSORS: Policeman’s Annuity & Benefit Fund Chicago FOP […]

2023 Scholarships winners

The winners of the 2023 Nolan-O’Neil Academic Scholarships were drawn at the general meeting on 10 Jan 2023. Winners will be contacted via e-mail. They are as follows:

General Membership Meeting and Scholarship Drawing

Please join us on 10-Jan-23 at 6:00 pm at Connie’s Pizza 2373 South Archer Chicago, IL 60610 for our January 2023 meeting and annual Nolan-O’Neil Academic Scholarship drawing. Scholarship application is below. Please email your completed form to Treasurer Tim Kennedy at timothy.kennedy@chicagopolice.org by 6-Jan-23 to participate in the drawing.

Midwest Coalition of Labor Member Benefits

Did you know the MCL offers these products and services as a benefit to its members. As a member of the PBPA you are a member of the MCL and are entitled to the discounts and other benefits and services offered through the MCL. The Midwest Coalition of Labor Member Discount Program can help you […]

Updated Information Physical Fitness Award Pay

The Department has indicated that Fitness Incentive Checks will be deposited tomorrow, 2 December. The Union is aware of the Department’s failure to include Fitness Pay in the December 1 payroll. The union has reached out to Finance and the Labor Relations Division regarding this oversight.