Arbitration Award

Attached is the Arbitrator’s opinion and final award addressing the grievance with regard to the Department’s incessant RDO holiday cancellations.

FLSA/Rank Credit Court Proceedings Update

Many members have inquired about the FLSA/Rank Credit court proceedings.  The matter is being handled by an outside law firm not directly affiliated with the Union which is the reason Union representatives were unable to provide specific updates.  The Unions met with the Attorneys handling the matter this week and Attorney Geiger provided the Union […]

Cycle 8 Overtime Payment Issues

The Department’s Labor Affairs Division is aware that approximately 473 members of all 4 sworn unions were not paid. Per City Payroll, the unpaid funds are expected to be deposited on 12 September for the members who did not receive their Cycle 8 overtime. If the member does not have direct deposit, the checks will […]

Grievance Agreement Reached for the Department’s Egregious Breach of 2022 Settlement Agreement with regard to 2023 Juneteenth & 4th of July Holiday RDO Cancellations

The three PBPA unions have agreed to the following regarding the grievances for the summer holiday settlement agreement violations: 1.  The City agrees to cancel only one (1) RDO for the Labor Day holiday.  2.  The City agrees to schedule personnel no earlier than 9 hours after a cancelled RDO.  3.  This agreement covers the […]

20.12 Out of Area Detail

Lieutenants involuntarily working “tiered deployment” who are unit bids and are assigned outside their unit of assignment and management lieutenants assigned outside of their Area are reminded to submit 2 compensatory slips. Members should submit one slip for the RDO cancelled overtime and a second slip for the premium pay for an additional 4.25 hours.

Contract Negotiations

The Lieutenants Association will begin contract negotiations soon. If a member has specific issue or section of the contract that they feel needs to be addressed, please share your ideas with members of the CPLA Executive Board or your CPLA Area representative.

Cancelled Days Off AGAIN 17-19 May 2022

The Lieutenants Association is aware that the Department has yet again, with no notice, decided to arbitrarily cancel all full duty Lieutenants’ 1st RDO 17/18/19-May-22, in Areas Two, Three and Four for the “Tiered Deployment.” These RDO cancellations are in addition to the Department’s upcoming cancellations for the Memorial Day and Father Day weekends. Lieutenants […]