Healthcare Benefits Moving Forward

This just in from Union President Stiscak:

The retirement health care benefits, of 2% at the age of 55 and 0% at the age of 60 with the limitations of retiring after May 1, remain in place.

The city has proposed increasing the cost of these benefits, our position is to keep current benefits in place. This matter is being negotiated through the arbitration process and will be resolved with the arbitrator’s decision in the future. 

For those inquiring there’s currently no change in that benefit.

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3 Responses

  1. Maybe Health benefits upon maxing out. There are individuals that come on the job later in life (kudos to them) and can receive benefits at 55 with 20 years on the job, while others have to stay 31-32 years to receive health benefits. That extra 10 years can be detrimental to a police officer’s health.

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