Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

Odds & Ends

There are 5 odds & ends below with information. A couple of them I have copied/paste the full text of the subject as I felt the original explanation was much better than my summary of it would be.

#1– Over 65 yrs. of age and DO NOT QUALIFY FOR FREE PART A MEDICARE.

    We have a few retirees that never accumulated the minimum quarters to receive free PART A. They are paying $1800+/month for single coverage. I became aware just recently that if you are in this situation you may qualify to be able to buy PART A (In 2017 this cost was $227 to $413). By buying PART A, a PART B plan, and a PART D plan you would have the potential to lower your monthly premiums by over 50%.

    If you, or a friend/relative, are in this situation the below information is from You can go to the website, the “Your Medicare Costs” tab, “Part A Costs” tab. It appears you then contact Social Security for more information.

How much does Part A cost?

Premium-free Part A

You usually don’t pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) coverage if you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes for a certain amount of time while working.  This is sometimes called “premium-free Part A.”

 Most people get premium-free Part A.

You can get premium-free Part A at 65 if:
  • You already get retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board.
  • You’re eligible to get Social Security or Railroad benefits but haven’t filed for them yet.
  • You or your spouse had Medicare-covered government employment.
If you’re under 65, you can get premium-free Part A if:
  • You got Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months.
  • You have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and meet certain requirements.

Part A premiums

If you buy Part A, you’ll pay up to $413 each month in 2017. If you paid Medicare taxes for less than 30 quarters, the standard Part A premium is $413. If you paid Medicare taxes for 30-39 quarters, the standard Part A premium is $227.

In most cases, if you choose to buy Part A, you must also have Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) and pay monthly premiums for both. Contact Social Security for more information about the Part A premium.
Some people automatically get Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance). Learn how and when you can sign up for Part A.


#2– This msg. is from Clint Krislov who is the lawyer that has  been suing in the courts for years to make the CITY honor their promises to provide a CITY subsidized health plan for retirees. The Illinois Supreme Court has declined to hear our appeal and is letting stand the lower court rulings upholding the City’s position. What this means for the future in litigation terms as of now is unclear. As I hear anything new I will pass it on.

Dear Participants,
      I am truly sorry and disappointed to report that the Illinois Supreme Court has denied our petition challenging the lower courts’ rulings on our complaint.
                122673 – Michael W. Underwood et al., petitioners, v. Trustees of the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago et al., respondents.
Leave to appeal, Appellate Court, First District. 1-16-2356, 1-16-2357
Petition for Leave to Appeal Denied.
      While this might be viewed as only a ruling at the early stage of the case, it will certainly be treated by Judge Cohen as a vindication of his and Justice Simon’s declaration that the only protectable interest is what is stated in the statute.
      If that’s so, then the statute still requires the Funds trustees to provide a plan, and subsidize it; albeit at the 1983 and 1985 statutory levels.
      Since none of the Funds are “providing” a plan, it may be that Judge Cohen will now require them to do that. However, there is a fair likelihood that Judge Cohen will instead now back off that, to rule that the only obligation is for the Funds to subsidize your premiums for the $55/$21 (Police and Fire  NonMedicare/Medicare)and $25 (municipal and laborers) monthly subsidy amounts for life, for everyone who was hired by mid-2003.
      I share our great disappointment at the Court’s not even bothering to give us a hearing on the City’s broken promises.  I guess the message is you cannot rely on anything the City promises unless there is a statute requiring it.
      Since the court has not ruled on the related petition (dealing with the lower court’s refusal to certify the case to proceed for the class), there may be a basis to seek reconsideration of the denial of the petition.  I don’t think that’s likely to be successful.
      At this point, we will be back before Judge Cohen on November 29th, asking him to order the Funds to actually do their jobs and provide you a plan (indeed, the County’s UHC retiree healthcare plan is much cheaper than the Blue Cross Plan being offered you, even for their Choice-Plus PPO), and subsidize it at least at the statutory rates.  We’ll see how this all plays out, and we invite your comments and suggestions.
      We’ve devoted ourselves to this effort for you, and share your diminished confidence in the system’s fairness.  And while many of you contributed to this effort, and the FOP and Retired Chicago Policemens Association contributed significantly, feel free to contact any of the rest of your unions to thank them for their lack of any help for us at all, especially the Firemen.
      And you might give your Funds’ trustees a  call and a special remembrance for their switching sides and supporting the City in this battle.
      I am and will always be proud of our fight for you.  I’m sorry we haven’t been more successful for you.  But we will continue fighting to get the maximum benefits and subsidy for all of you.
      We sincerely wish you a happy thanksgiving with your families.  Sorry we don’t have more to be thankful for at the moment.
Clint Krislov
Krislov & Associates, Ltd.
Civic Opera Building, Suite 1300
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois  60606
Telephone: 312-606-0500
Facsimile: 312-739-1098


#3–This article gives information that a VA study has found that some Vietnam Vets are suffering and dying from a parasite that they got while they were in Vietnam. If you or a relative were in Vietnam I urge you to read this.

Test results show some men may have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia.


#4– The Illinois Treasurer has a database that you can search to see if you are eligible to receive unclaimed $$$ that they are holding. It is easy to navigate and many of us have $$$ we are owed that we do not know about. I hope you all are able to find an unexpected pot of gold here.
Allows for search for unclaimed money and properties being held by the state treasurer’s office.


# 5– Part Time Security Job

This information is provided as a FYI only. I have no knowledge of the job or the company.

This is a part time security job as an independent security contractor, The job pays $28.00 per hour. The work is in the vicinity of Belmont and Lake Shore Dr. and is not outdoors. A valid IRCC Card is required. My cell number is (847) 507-9066. 
Retired CPD  Jordan Kitover.

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