Update on Contract Negotiations

After nearly three years of negotiations, we have declared an impasse with the City. The next step will be in the direction of arbitration. This does not preclude the City or our union from continuing to attempt to reach an agreement, but it will move the process forward.

Please be aware the arbitration process can be long and arduous, it involves agreeing on parameters of the process, selecting an arbitrator, securing dates to provide written/oral constructs to support the proposals, and as well as the arbitrator’s time to review, analyze and provide his/her findings. The arbitrator’s award would still require the approval of the Mayor and City Council.

Thank for your patience as we attempt to resolve the contract settlement.

Michael Stiscak
Chicago Police Lieutenants Association

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3 Responses

  1. Please refresh my memory
    If mayor and/or council refuse to ratify arbitrator decision what is next step?
    Would a court e next step

    Retired lt

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