SB 1956 Amendment 3 COLA
The COLA bill passed the House and Senate. The bill is pending the Governor’s signature. The COLA bill provides:
Senate Bill 1956 House Amendment 3 COLA
SB1956 with House Amendment 3, passed by both the House and Senate. The Bill requires the Governor’s Signature before becoming law. The COLA bill provides:
Election Notice
Election Notice The following Union Board positions are up for election. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-At-Arms If you are interested in submitting your request to run for a position, please contact to declare your intent to run for one of the above listed positions. The Deadline to submit your intent is October 15, 2021. […]
Employment Opportunity
LawDog Security & Investigations, Inc. is looking for Active and/or Retired Police Officers from both the City and Suburbs to work in all types of settings from Surveillance to Hostile Terminations to VIP Protective Services and everything in between. Locations range from all over the City throughout the neighboring suburbs at locations such as Bowling […]
Open Letter
The anti-police rhetoric that continues from the Mayor’s Office and the State’s Attorneys Office has led to another death and serious injury to our beloved family. The failed leadership of the City and State’s Attorneys Office and their lack of support of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, erodes the law and order of […]
Officer Ella French Donations
The link for donations for Officer Ella French.
Message from PBPA State Lodge
Superintendent David Brown and all Chicago Police Department Employees, I am reaching out to you today to offer my Condolences on the loss of Officer Ella French. Words can not describe the pain and sorrow felt when we lose a brother or a sister in our law enforcement family. It is never easy and we must […]
Michael P Gordon Memorial Foundation Fundraiser
Retirement Stars
If you retired during the past few years and did not receive a retirement star, the Union has received a new shipment of stars. The stars will be available through one of the following methods: Contact the Retiree Representative Terry McMahon to arrange for a time/location to meet to pickup your star. Contact one of […]
St. Jude Information
ST JUDE INFO: Sunday May 16th 2021 Step off is at 0930hrs. Please allow time to park and walk to starting point. Dress blues are the uniform of the day. Please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated. Family and Retiree participation is welcomed and appreciated! Directions: Exit Lake Shore Drive at 31st street.. […]