Amendment to the By-Laws

Article 18 is a new amendment to the By-laws that was voted on and passed by the executive board. Pursuant to the existing by-laws this amendment will be presented to the general membership at the January general meeting. Please review article 18 in the by laws.

Senate Bill 1956 House Amendment 3 COLA

SB1956 with House Amendment 3, passed by both the House and Senate. The Bill requires the Governor’s Signature before becoming law. The COLA bill provides:

PBPA Softball Tournament

August 4th – 6th the Rockford PBPA #6 is hosting the yearly softball tournament. Details and location below.

CPD Superintendent Search Survey

The City of Chicago Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability has requested that the active and retired membership complete a survey, Provide Input on Chicago’s Next Superintendent, by June 9th. The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability is responsible for conducting the search for the next Police Superintendent, and they want police personnels’ input on what […]

Attention Golfers

The PBPA is holding the yearly golf outing hosted by PBPA Springfield Unit #5. Lets try and bring a win back to Chicago! See below for the registration form. The outing is July 10-11 at Piper Glen Golf Course. 7112 Piper Glen Drive, Springfield, IL 62711 Host Hotel , Hampton Inn & Suites Springfield Southwest […]